Why Philtered?

I write and podcast about uncomfortable issues that often polarize. Dismantling the towers of academia is a favorite pastime. I’ve been an ‘academic’, and I’ve seen some terrible things :) Ideologies that inform western society need constant questioning and I’ll do that. You may not agree with everything yet I will provide excellent grist for dinner party conversation.

From September 2023, everything on Philtered is free. This is because I can’t 100% guarantee regular content and believe it’s unfair for you to subscribe when new work is sporadic. I will however, accept any donations that come my way.

Anything that ads to my Australian Government pension will be greatly appreciated. I’ll even give you a first-name shout-out in an episode yet flatly refuse to use pronouns that don’t match the sex you were born with.


Subscribe to Philtered

Words, podcasts, songs & vids about society on the brink. Culture wars, gender ideology & media stupidity are faves. Alter ego of Nancy Bell. As an ex-academic, I've seen some terrible things. Sporadic but meaty posts.


Ex teacher & Lecturer in Media at UTS & Science at UNSW. Neuroscience Educator. Written 3 x books. Host of Marking the Role teachers' podcast + Philtered: The Podcast. Musician - just search Spotify. Sensible. Not woke. More right than left.